My Favorite Books on Music Practice
Over the years, I've encountered a number of books that have had a big impact on not just my practice, but also my overall view of music and life.
When we apply effective practice methods, we're able to trust the process and let go of self-doubts. You can find these books on amazon, or google them to find written or video summaries.
Here are some of my favorites:
On Practice - Short Reads
The Little Book of Talent - Daniel Coyle
The Practicing Mind - Thomas Sterner
On Practice - In Depth
Mastery - George Leonard
Effortless Mastery - Kenny Werner
The Talent Code - Daniel Coyle
The Inner Game of Music - Barry Green
Ultra Learning - Scott Young
Fiction / Biography
The Music Lesson - Victor Wooten
The Art of Learning - Josh Waitzkin
Good Things Happen Slowly - Fred Hersch
On Creativity
Big Magic - Elizabeth Gilbert
The Artist's Way - Julia Cameron
Which music or practice related books have impacted you the most?